2011 California Districts
The below district summaries, reports and maps are based on the State's present district boundaries as adopted by the California Citizen's Redistricting Commission August 15th, 2011.
- Assembly Districts
- Senate Districts
- Congressional Districts
- Board of Equalization Districts
- 2011 District WebGIS
2001 California Districts
The below district summaries and maps are based on the 2001 district lines and no longer reflect the current districts.
1991 California Districts
The below district summaries and maps are based on the 1990 district lines and no longer reflect the current districts. The 2001 Districts went into effect in March 2002.
1980 California District Maps
1974 California District Maps
Report of Registration April 1998
Report of Registration May 1998
Report of Registration Sept 1998
Report of Registration Oct 1998
Report of Registration Feb 1992
Report of Registration May 1992
Report of Registration Sept 1992
Report of Registration Oct 1992
Report of Registration April 1980
Report of Registration May 1980
Report of Registration Oct 1980
Report of Registration April 1978
Report of Registration May 1978
Report of Registration Sept 1978
Report of Registration Oct 1978
Report of Registration April 1976
Report of Registration May 1976
Report of Registration Oct 1976
Report of Registration April 1974
Report of Registration May 1974
Report of Registration Sept 1974
Report of Registration Oct 1974
Year |
Report |
Organization |
Description |
The reports below are for the current, 2011 State Districts. | |||
2012 | Download | ZIP Codes by 2011 Assembly District. | These conversions are derived from the 2012 Primary Election registered voter file for California. NUMBER refers to the number of registered voters who are in both a particular ZIP Code and Assembly District. PCT is the percent of the ZIP Code in the Assembly District. TOTAL is the total number of registered voters in the ZIP Code. For example, if there are 1000 people in ZIP Code 91902, and 400 are in AD 80 and 600 are in AD 79, then 40% of the ZIP is in AD 80 and 60% of the ZIP is in AD 79. |
2012 | Download | ZIP Codes by 2011 Congressional District. | These conversions are derived from the 2012 Primary Election registered voter file for California. NUMBER refers to the number of registered voters who are in both a particular ZIP Code and Congressional District. PCT is the percent of the ZIP code in the Congressional District. TOTAL is the total number of registered voters in the ZIP Code. For example, if there are 1000 people in ZIP code 90001, and 400 are in CD 40 and 600 are in CD 43, then 40% of the ZIP is in CD 40 and 60% of the ZIP is in CD 43. |
2012 | Download | ZIP Codes by 2011 Senate District. | These conversions are derived from the 2012 Primary Election registered
voter file for California. NUMBER refers to the
number of registered voters who are in both a particular ZIP code and Senate District. PCT is the percent of the ZIP code in the Senate District. TOTAL is the total number of registered voters in the ZIP Code. For example, if there are 1000 people in ZIP code 90001, and 400 are in SD 30 and 600
are in SD 33, then 40% of the ZIP is in SD 30 and 60% of the ZIP is in SD 33. |
The reports below are for the previous, 2001 State Districts. | |||
2002 | Download | ZIP Codes by the State of CA 2001 Districts. Based on a geographical overlay. | Overlay of the assembly, senate, and congressional districts on a layer of ZIP code points. Please note that this is based on USPS ZIP codes circa 2002. |
The reports below are for the 1991 State Districts. | |||
1998 | Download | 1991 Assembly Districts by ZIP Code. Based on the June, 1998 Primary Election Voter File. | List of five digit ZIPs and the percent of each ZIP in each Assembly District. Created by processing the registered voter tape for the state's 58 counties and then creating a cross-reference table of ZIP code and Assembly District (each individual voter record has this information attached to it). The counts are the number of registered voters who are in both a particular ZIP and the Assembly District. Percent is the percent of the ZIP code in the Assembly District, so if there are 1000 people in ZIP code 91999, and 400 are in AD 79 and 600 are in AD 80, then 40% of the ZIP is in AD 79 and 60% of the ZIP is in AD 80. ZIPs with counts of less than one hundred statewide are not reported due to the likelihood that these are typographical or reporting errors. |
1998 | Download | ZIP Codes by 1991 Assembly Districts. Based on the June, 1998 Primary Election Voter File. | Same as the above report except sorted by ZIP code rather than by Assembly District. |
1998 | Download | 1991 Congressional Districts by ZIP Code. Based on the June, 1998 Primary Election Voter File. | List of five digit ZIPs and the percent of each ZIP in each Congressional District. Created by processing the registered voter tape for the state's 58 counties and then creating a cross-reference table of ZIP code and Congressional District (each individual voter record has this information attached to it). The counts are the number of registered voters who are in both a particular ZIP and the Congressional District. Percent is the percent of the ZIP code in the Congressional District, so if there are 1000 people in ZIP code 91999, and 400 are in CD 01 and 600 are in CD 02, then 40% of the ZIP is in CD 01 and 60% of the ZIP is in CD 02. ZIPs with counts of less than one hundred statewide are not reported due to the likelihood that these are typographical or reporting errors. |
1998 | Download | ZIP Codes by 1991 Congressional Districts. Based on the June, 1998 Primary Election Voter File. |
Same as the above report except sorted by ZIP code rather than by Congressional District. |
1998 | Download | 1991 Senate Districts by ZIP Code. Based on the June, 1998 Primary Election Voter File. | List of five digit ZIPs and the percent of each ZIP in each Senate District. Created by processing the registered voter tape for the state's 58 counties and then creating a cross-reference table of ZIP code and Senate District (each individual voter record has this information attached to it). The counts are the number of registered voters who are in both a particular ZIP and the Senate District. Percent is the percent of the ZIP code in the Senate District, so if there are 1000 people in ZIP code 91999, and 400 are in SD 01 and 600 are in SD 02, then 40% of the ZIP is in SD 01 and 60% of the ZIP is in SD 02. ZIPs with counts of less than one hundred statewide are not reported due to the likelihood that these are typographical or reporting errors. |
1998 | Download | ZIP Codes by 1991 Senate Districts. Based on the June, 1998 Primary Election Voter File. | Same as the above report except sorted by ZIP code rather than by Senate District. |
Report | Description |
2000 Redistricting data for the 2001 assembly districts broken down by 2001 congressional districts |
This file contains 2000 PL94 census, 2000 general election statement of vote, and the 2000 general election registration data for 2001 assembly districts and broken down by intersecting 2001 congressional districts. |
2000 Redistricting data for the 2001 assembly districts broken down by 2001 senate districts |
This file contains 2000 PL94 census, 2000 general election statement of vote, and the 2000 general election registration data for 2001 assembly districts and broken down by intersecting 2001 senate districts. |
2000 Redistricting data for the 2001 congressional districts broken down by 2001 assembly districts Excel dBase |
This file contains 2000 PL94 census, 2000 general election statement of vote, and the 2000 general election registration data for 2001 congressional districts and broken down by intersecting 2001 assembly districts. |
2000 Redistricting data for the 2001 congressional districts broken down by 2001 senate districts |
This file contains 2000 PL94 census, 2000 general election statement of vote, and the 2000 general election registration data for 2001 congressional districts and broken down by intersecting 2001 senate districts. |
2000 Redistricting data for the 2001 senate districts broken down by 2001 assembly districts Excel dBase |
This file contains 2000 PL94 census, 2000 general election statement of vote, and the 2000 general election registration data for 2001 senate districts and broken down by intersecting 2001 assembly districts. |
2000 Redistricting data for the 2001 senate districts broken down by 2001 congressional districts Excel dBase |
This file contains 2000 PL94 census, 2000 general election statement of vote, and the 2000 general election registration data for 2001 senate districts and broken down by intersecting 2001 congressional districts. |
2000 PL94 data for the 2001 assembly districts organized by both the intersecting congressional & the intersecting senate districts. Excel dBase |
2000 Census PL94 summary file counts of the total population & the population 18+ years, for 63 racial categories for hispanic or latino origin broken down by the 2001 assembly districts' intersecting congressional and senate districts. codebook |
2000 PL94 data for the 2001 congressional districts organized by both the intersecting senate & the intersecting assembly districts. Excel dBase |
2000 Census PL94 summary file counts of the total population & the population 18+ years, for 63 racial categories for hispanic or latino origin broken down by the 2001 congressional districts' intersecting senate and assembly districts. codebook |
Year 2000 Gubernatorial Election results for major party congressional candidates, with major party voter registrations, for each congressional district in California. | |
Major Party (Democrats & Re/publicans) registration from 1992 through 2000 in California, sorted by places in California. | |
Vote totals for selected propositions from 1992 to 2000 reported by city for the State of California. 2/4/02 | |
Analysis of Dropoff in the 76th State Assembly, 1992 General Election |
This report describes drop-off in the 76th Assembly District between the vote for President and the vote for State Assembly in the 1992 General Election. |
Analysis of Minority Voter Turnout, 2002 General Election |
This report measures the Effect of Minority Voter Turnout by Distance from the Polling Place in the 2002 General Election in Los Angeles County. (August 2003) |
Analysis of registered voters vote who after not having voted, 1988 - 1992 |
This report examines what percent and what type of registered voters vote after not having voted in a number of intermediary elections from 1988 to 1992 in Los Angeles County. |
1997 Standards for the Collection of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, 1999 |
Draft Provisional Guidance on the Implementation of the 1997 standards for the collection of federal data on Race and Ethnicity from the Executive Office of the President. |
Year | Report | Description |
1998 |
dBase Readme |
Primary Election 1998, State of California, registration and voting data by precincts (SR-P98) |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered voters by race and ethnicity from the 1998 General Election. |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered voters by race and ethnicity from the 1998 Primary Election. |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity in the 1998 General Election. |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity in the 1998 Primary Election. |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity in the 1998 General Election. |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity in the 1998 Primary Election. |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity in the 1998 General Election. |
1998 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity in the 1998 Primary Election. |
1996 | Download | Report on the number of registered voters by race and ethnicity from the 1996 General Election. |
1996 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity for the 1996 General Election. |
1996 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity for the 1996 General Election. |
1996 | Download | Report on the number of registered minority persons by ethnicity for the 1996 General Election. |
1994 | Download | Report of African American registered voters from the 1994 General Statewide Election. [County and place] |
1994 | Download | Report of Asian-American registered voters from the 1994 General Statewide Election. |
1994 | Download | Report on the number of registered voters by race, ethnicity and party from the 1994 General Statewide Election. [Part 1: Latinos and Jews] |
1994 | Download | Report on the number of registered voters by race, ethnicity and party from the 1994 General Statewide Election. [Part 2: Asians, Koreas, and Japanese] |
1994 | Download | Report on the number of registered voters by race and ethnicity from the 1994 General Statewide Election. |
1994 | Download | Report on the number of registered voters by sex from the 1994 General Statewide Election. |
1994 | Download | Report on the number of registered persons by party affiliation and gender from the 1994 General Statewide Election. |
1994 | Download | Report of registered voters who voted in the 1994 General Statewide Election, by party. [County (Not all counties are included - only those for which it was possible to obtain who-voted tapes)] |
1994 | Download | Number of registered minority persons by ethnicity and party from the 1994 General Statewide Election. [Part 1: Latinos, Jews] |
Year | Report | Description |
1994 | Download | Number of registered minority persons by ethnicity and party from the 1994 General Statewide Election. [Part 2: Asians, Koreans, Japanese] |
1994 | Download | Number of registered persons by gender from the 1994 General Statewide Election. |
1994 | Download | Number of registered minority persons by ethnicity and party from the 1994 General Statewide Election. [Part 1: Latinos, Jews] |
1994 | Download | Number of registered minority persons by ethnicity and party from the 1994 General Statewide Election. [Part 2: Asians, Koreans, Japanese] |
1994 | Download | Number of voters from the 1994 General Statewide Election Data. (Not all counties present) |
1994 | Download | Report of number of African Americans registered and percent of total registered for the 1994 General Statewide Election. |
1992-2000 |
Readme dBase Excel |
Registration info from 1992-2000, major statewide races from 1998-2000, by new proposed districts. |
1992-2000 |
Readme dBase Excel |
Registration info from 1992-2000, major statewide races from 1998-2000, by new proposed districts. |
1992-2000 |
Readme dBase Excel |
Registration info from 1992-2000, major statewide races from 1998-2000, by new proposed districts. |
1992 | Download | Report on registration by ethnicity from the 1992 General Statewide Election. |
1992 | Download | Report on registration by gender from the 1992 General Statewide Election. |
1992 | Download | Report on registration by ethnicity from the 1992 General Statewide Election. |
1992 | Download | Report on registration by gender from the 1992 General Statewide Election. |
1992 | Download | Report on the registered population by ethnicity from the 1992 General Statewide Election. |
1992 | Download | Report on the registered population by ethnicity from the 1992 General Statewide Election. [Assembly District] |
1992 | Download | Report on the registered population by ethnicity from the 1992 General Statewide Election. [Sorted by % Latino] |
1990 | Download | Report on registration by ethnicity from the 1990 General Statewide Election. |
1990 | Download | Report on the female population of voting age and up by age from the 1990 STF3 Census Data. |
1990 | Download | Report on the gender of the population (table P007) from the 1990 STF3 Census Data. |
1990 | Download | Report on the household income in 1989 (table P080) from the 1990 STF3 Census Data. |
1990 | Download | Report on male population of voting age and up by age from the 1990 STF3 Census Data. |
1990 | Ethnic Minorities by Assembly District | Ethnic breakdown of 1990 Assembly Districts |
1990 | Download | Report on registration by ethnicity from the 1990 General Statewide Election. |