2018 General Election Precinct Data
From this page you can download Statement of Vote and Statement of Registration data by 2018 precinct. Descriptions of each type of file and precinct can be found by following the links below.
Available Precinct data files (SOV, REG, ABS, MAIL, POLLV and VOTE.) & file content descriptions
Precinct type (rgprec, rrprec, srprec, ssprec, svprec, mprec etc.) descriptions
Go to the 2018 General Election geographic data, including the precinct boundary files.
*The message "no data yet" indicates that the file is still being collected and processed. It will be available at a later date. The message "unavailable" indicates that the data are not available from the county.
php $geo_conv_link = ""; $registration_link = ""; ?> php $registration_link = "https://statewidedatabase.org/d10/";?>