2008 Primary Election Dataset Notes
The processing of the registration, election and geographic data files for this dataset have
been completed. Please let us know if you have any questions, can not locate a file and/
or if you should discover any problems in the dataset that have not been addressed below.
Thank you!
County 029- Kern
The total vote in the Statement of Vote does not match the record that
the Secretary of State has i.e.the county file has a total vote of 84,938 while the SOS has a total vote of 84,940 (differences exist in the totals for the propositions, the 32nd assembly race as well as, the 22nd assembly race). There is a precinct that appears to be missing in an area between Los Angeles and Kern that could be due to an incorrect boundary. The precinct # is 0002223.
County 047- Merced
Statement of Vote was not broken down by absentee and poll vote methods eventhough the presidential primary i.e. S08 file was. Also, the total registration by precinct columns are all 0 and results are listed as "unofficial."
County 055- Napa
Voter history file has no vote method.
County 105- Trinity
No data received.