2011 District Assigment & District Conversion Files
These files can be used to determine the 2011 Assembly, Congressional, Senate, and Board of Equalization district of other geographic entities such as census blocks, census tracts, election precincts or ZIP codes.2010 Census Blocks by 2011 District files
2011 Assembly Districts | 2011 Congressional Districts | 2011 Senate Districts | 2011 Board of Equalization Districts |
ZIP codes by 2011 District files: ZIP codes by the new 2011 Assembly, Senate, and Congressional districts. Based on the total number of registered voters' addresses with a
given ZIP code that have been geocoded to the district over the total numbers of registered voters with that ZIP code.
2011 Assembly Districts | 2011 Congressional Districts | 2011 Senate Districts | 2011 Board of Equalization Districts |
2008 General Election SR Precincts by 2011 Districts file: In instances where a precinct was split over districts,
the precinct was assigned to the district that had the largest number of occurrences of the srprec.
2011 Assembly, Congressional, & Senate Districts |