March 2003 ERRATA AND USER NOTES FOR THE 108th CD CENSUS 2000 TIGER/LINE(R) FILES The errata notes document the geographic errors in the 108th CD Census 2000 TIGER/Line files as of the date the TIGER/Line files were produced. These errors were NOT corrected to ensure that the 108th CD Census 2000 TIGER/Line files match the geographic codes and names in the Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) data. The user notes provide information for data users about the 108th CD Census 2000 TIGER/Line files. CALIFORNIA Los Angeles County, California (FIPS Code 06037) Census block 1011 in census tract 4002.03 is erroneously shown as part of Los Angeles city (FIPS code 44000). This block is not within a place. The following FIPS place code should be associated with this block: State County Tract Block Place 06 037 400203 1011 blank USER NOTE: Source Codes on Record Type 7 In previous versions of the Census 2000 TIGER/Line files the source code was blank on some Record Type 7 records. A source code of O appears on these records in the 108th CD Census 2000 TIGER/Line files. This difference in the source code information on Record Type 7 appears in the following counties: Alameda County, California (FIPS code 06001).