Filename: state_s05_voters_by_s05_rgprec.dbf, state_s05_voters_by_s05_rgprec.csv File URL: Dataset: 2005 Special Election Precinct Data Description: This file contains statewide registration data for all voters that voted. Unit of analysis: RG precincts are derived from the County Registrar of Voters' original registration precincts. Data source: Statewide Database - University of California, Berkeley Technical documentation: Codebook: Date last modified: 02/05/2019 Previous versions: 03/31/2015, 01/21/2012, 01/15/2010, 01/31/2008 County records unavailable at time of file creation: none Data user notes: Errata 1. There are discrepancies in totals in the RG, RR and SR precinct files for the following counties: 001 - Alameda RG file has 2 more voters than the RR and SR files 037 - Los Angeles RG file has 10 more voters than the RR and SR files 107 - Tulare RG file has 1 more voter than the RR and SR files 109 - Tuolumne RG file has 30 more voters than the RR and SR files