Filename: state_s05_mailballot_by_s05_rgprec.dbf, state_s05_mailballot_by_s05_rgprec.csv File URL: Dataset: 2005 SpecialElection Precinct Data Description: This file contains statewide registration data for registered voters that voted by mail-ballot. Unit of analysis: RG precincts are derived from the County Registrar of Voters' original registration precincts. Data source: Statewide Database - University of California, Berkeley Technical documentation: Codebook: Date last modified: 02/06/2019 Previous versions: none County records unavailable at time of file creation: none Data user notes: Note 1. Discrepancies in the reported totals in the Statewide Database vote method files: absentees, mailballot and poll voters. The reporting of the forced vote-by-mail ballots and vote-by-mail ballots cast by choice by absentee voters varies by county and election with some counties reporting forced vote-by-mail ballots separately from the vote-by-mail ballots cast by absentee voters. Other counties report all of their vote-by-mail ballots as one without distinguishing between forced and absentee vote-by-mail ballots; or they report their forced vote-by-mail voters as precinct voters resulting in them being reported in the Statewide Database's poll voters file. Errata 1. Counties who reported all of their vote-by-mail, (VBM) voters in the absentees file: 001 - Alameda has no mail-ballot voters reported 003 - Alpine has no mail-ballot voters reported 005 - Amador has no mail-ballot voters reported 009 - Calaveras has no mail-ballot voters reported 011 - Colusa has no mail-ballot voters reported 015 - Del Norte has no mail-ballot voters reported 017 - El Dorado has no mail-ballot voters reported 021 - Glenn has no mail-ballot voters reported 023 - Humboldt has no mail-ballot voters reported 025 - Imperial has no mail ballot voters reported 027 - Inyo has no mail ballot voters reported 031 - Kings has no mail-ballot voters reported 035 - Lassen has no mail-ballot voters reported 037 - Los Angeles has no mail-ballot voters reported 041 - Marin has no mail-ballot voters reported 045 - Mendocino has no mail-ballot voters reported 047 - Merced has no mail-ballot voters reported 049 - Modoc has no mail-ballot voters reported 051 - Mono has no mail-ballot voters reported 053 - Monterey has no mail-ballot voters reported 055 - Napa has no mail-ballot voters reported 057 - Nevada has no mail-ballot voters reported 069 - San Benito has no mail-ballot voters reported 071 - San Bernardino has no mail-ballot voters reported 073 - San Diego has no mail-ballot voters reported 075 - San Francisco has no mail-ballot voters reported 079 - San Luis Obispo has no mail-ballot voters reported 081 - San Mateo has no mail-ballot voters reported 083 - Santa Barbara has no mail-ballot voters reported 089 - Shasta has no mail-ballot voters reported 091 - Sierra has no mail-ballot voters reported 093 - Siskiyou has no mail-ballot voters reported 095 - Solano has no mail-ballot voters reported 099 - Stanislaus has no mail-ballot voters reported 101 - Sutter has no mail-ballot voters reported 103 - Tehama has no mail-ballot voters reported 109 - Tuolumne has no mail-ballot voters reported 113 - Yolo has no mail-ballot voters reported