Filename: File URL: Dataset: 2005 Special Election precinct boundary GIS file Description: This file contains the statewide precinct boundary file for the 2005 Special Election Map precincts. Geographic unit: Map precincts (MPREC) are created to reflect the geography as consistently as possible. RR precincts are aggregations of RG precincts (tabular data) into Map precincts (geographic). Generally speaking, Map precincts are RR precincts. Technical documentation: File fields: ELECTION - 3 digit, election abbreviation TYPE - geographic unit of file FIPS - 2 digit state code FIPS for California, '06,' followed by the 3 digit county FIPS code PREC_KEY - FIPS code followed by the precinct number or name PREC - Map precinct number or name Date last modified: 02/01/2019 Previous versions: 01/31/2008 County records not available or unavailable at time of file creation: none Data user notes: Note 1. The Map precinct boundary file is in .mif file format. The .mif file is compatible with MapInfo GIS software by Pitney Bowes.