Filename: state_g10_sov_by_p12_rgprec_unmatched.dbf File URL: Dataset: 2010 General Election "unmatched" Data by 2012 Primary RG Precinct Description: Statewide Statement of Vote data files containing precinct level voting results for statewide races. Unit of analysis: 2012 RG precincts are derived from the County Registrar of Voters' original registration precincts. Data source: Statewide Database - University of California, Berkeley Technical documentation: Codebook: 2010 General Election Statement of Vote County code books The SOV data codebooks are county and election specific because the district races and candidates who ran in those races vary by county and election. The 58 Statement of Vote county codebooks can be accessed from the election's precinct data table, To use the Statement of Vote county codebooks to determine the names of the candidates that were on a ballot in a given precinct, retrieve the district number from the table/ file for that precinct record. The Assembly, Board of Equalization, Congressional and Senate district that each precinct is located in are listed in the columns ADDIST,BEDIST CDDIST and SDDIST in the SOV data files. Some instances will be all zeros if there were no candidates for that party in that race. Date last modified: 30 Jun 2014 Previous versions: none County records unavailable at time of file creation: none