The Statewide Database Karin Mac Donald Director Readme file for SR-G98_ST06_SV-G90-RG-G90.dbf This file contains voting and registration data from the 1990 election. Totals are considered variant when error rate is > +/-5% Error / Anomaly Cause Associated with 1. Data for Orange county is absent errors in the file furnished by ADs: 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 our data provider for Orange County (30) SDs: 33, 34, 35, 38 2. AD 2 demonstrates variant totals Unknown AD: 2 in some variables SD: 4 3. AD 37 demonstrates variant totals Unknown AD: 37 in some variables SD: 19 4. AD 65 demonstrates variant totals Unknown AD: 65 in some variables SD: 31 created: 2/14/01 (GC)