Filename: File URL: Dataset: 2008 General Election Precinct Data Description: This file contains statewide precinct level voting results. SR precincts are derived from Consolidated Precincts and are a geographic unit constructed for statistical merging purposes by the Statewide Database. Please refer to technical documentation for further information, Variable codebook, Date last modified: 03/22/2013, the Orange County - 06059 records we updated to correct an error in the sr precinct codes that existed in previous versions of Orange County sr precinct data. modified: 2/27/2013, the file was modified to remove the 996 sv precinct records that were present in previous version of the file. The 996 sv precincts records were merged into their sr precincts of origin. County records not available or unavailable at time of file creation: None Erratta: 06/23/2009 The Siskiyou County - 06093 Statement of Vote data file has a total vote of 28,454 while the California Secretary of State's Election report has a total vote of 21,723. Siskiyou County confirmed that the Statewide Database number of 28,454 voters is the correct count.