Record Layout for Special Tabulation 76 - Kim Brace, Election Data Services Character Description 2-4 Summary Level: sumlev 050 = State-County 060 = State-County-County Subdivision 140 = State-County-Census Tract 150 = State-County-Census Tract-Census Block Group 160 = State-Place 6-7 FIPS State Code state 8-10 FIPS County Code county 12-16 FIPS County Subdivision Code ctysd 18-22 FIPS Place Code place 24-29 Census Tract Code tract 31 Census Block Group Code blockcde 33-45 Citizenship Status citizen All ages: Hispanic or Latino: 47-54 Total histot 55-62 Mexican hismex 63-70 Puerto Rican hispr 71-78 Cuban hiscub 79-86 Other Hispanic or Latino hisoth One race, not Hispanic or Latino: 87-94 White orwhite 95-102 Black or African American orblack 103-110 Asian orasian 111-118 Other orother Combination races, not Hispanic or Latino: 119-126 White crwhite 127-134 Black or African American crblack 135-142 Asian crasian 143-150 Other crother 18 years and over: Hispanic or Latino: 151-158 Total pltothis 159-166 Mexican plpmex 167-174 Puerto Rican plppr 175-182 Cuban plcub 183-190 Other Hispanic or Latino plhoth One race, not Hispanic or Latino: 191-198 White plorwht 199-206 Black or African American plorblck 207-214 Asian plorasn 215-222 Other plorothr Combination races, not Hispanic or Latino: 223-230 White plcrwht 231-238 Black or African American plcrblck 239-246 Asian plcrasn 247-254 Other plcrothr 255-262 Total population totpop 263-270 Population 18 years and over pltotpop