Statewide Database Director, Karin Mac Donald file name: d-bor-94_readme.txt associated with: d-bor-94.xls This file contains data concerning the 1994 statwide contests by congressional district. Variable Var Name Number Congressional district CD_DIST N002000 Votes for Gov - democrat GOVDEM_1 N008002 Votes for Gov - republcian GOVREP_1 N008002 Votes for Gov - amierican independent GOVAIP_1 N008002 Votes for Gov - green GOVGRN_1 N008002 Votes for Gov - libertarian GOVLIB_1 N008002 Votes for Gov - natural law GOVNLP_1 N008002 Votes for Gov - peace and freedom GOVPAF_1 N008002 Votes for Lt. Gov - democrat LTGDEM_1 N008002 Votes for Lt. Gov - republican LTGREP_1 N008002 Votes for Lt. Gov - amierican independent LTGAIP_1 N008002 Votes for Lt. Gov - green LTGGRN_1 N008002 Votes for Lt. Gov - libertarian LTGLIB_1 N008002 Votes for Lt. Gov - natural law LTGPAF_1 N008002 Votes for Lt. Gov - peace and freedom LTGREF_1 N008002 Votes for Attorney General - democrat ATGDEM_1 N008002 Votes for Attorney General - repucblican ATGREP_1 N008002 Votes for Attorney General - american independent ATGAIP_1 N008002 Votes for Attorney General - libertarian ATGLIB_1 N008002 Votes for Attorney General - peace and freedom ATGPAF_1 N008002 Votes for Controller - democrat CONDEM_1 N008002 Votes for Controller - republcian CONREP_1 N008002 Votes for Controller - american independent CONAIP_1 N008002 Votes for Controller - libertarian CONLIB_1 N008002 Votes for Controller - natural law CONNLP_1 N008002 Votes for Controller - peace and freedom CONPAF_1 N008002 Votes for Controller - reform CONREF_1 N008002 Votes for Ins Commissioner - democrat INSDEM_1 N008002 Votes for Ins Commissioner - republican INSREP_1 N008002 Votes for Ins Commissioner - american independent INSAIP_1 N008002 Votes for Ins Commissioner - libertarian INSLIB_1 N008002 Votes for Ins Commissioner - natural law INSNLP_1 N008002 Votes for Ins Commissioner - peace and freedom INSPAF_1 N008002 Votes for Secretary of State - democrat SOSDEM_1 N008002 Votes for Secretary of State - republican SOSREP_1 N008002 Votes for Secretary of State - american independent SOSAIP_1 N008002 Votes for Secretary of State - libertarian SOSLIB_1 N008002 Votes for Secretary of State - natural law SOSNLP_1 N008002 Votes for Secretary of State - peace and freedom SOSPAF_1 N008002 Votes for Secretary of State - reform SOSREF_1 N008002 Votes for Treasurer - democrat TRSDEM_1 N008002 Votes for Treasurer - republican TRSREP_1 N008002 Votes for Treasurer - american independent TRSAIP_1 N008002 Votes for Treasurer - libertarian TRSLIB_1 N008002 Votes for Treasurer - natural law TRSNLP_1 N008002 Votes for Treasurer - peace and freedom TRSPAF_1 N008002 Votes for US Senate - democrat USSDEM_1 N008002 Votes for US Senate - republican USSREP_1 N008002 Votes for US Senate - american independent USSAIP_1 N008002 Votes for US Senate - libertarian USSLIB_1 N008002 Votes for US Senate - natural law USSNLP_1 N008002 Votes for US Senate - peace and freedom USSPAF_1 N008002 Votes for US Senate - reform USSREF_1 N008002 Source: Statewide Database Created on 4-20-00 by Gray Chynoweth