Precinct Conversion File Types:
Alpha Indicators | Precinct Conversion Capability |
PB | 1990 Census Blocks => SR |
PC | 1990 City => SR |
PD | RR => SR |
PE | 1990 City => RG |
PF | 1990 City => RR |
PG | RR => RG |
PR | RR => SR |
PS | SR => RG |
PT | SR => RR |
PU | RR => SV |
PV | SV => SR |
PW | [SR => RR ; SR => RG] |
PX | RG => RG (cross election) |
PZ | SR => SR (cross election) |
RG = Original Registration Precincts (designated by County Registrar)
RR = Registration Precincts (designated by Pac Tech Data Research)
SV = Original Voting Precincts (designated by County Registrar)
SR = Consolidated Precinct (designated by Pac Tech Data Research)
1990 City = City Area (designated by US Census Department)
1990 Census Blocks = Census Blocks (designated by US Census Department)
1990 Census Tracts = Census Tracts (designated by US Census Department)
"Cross Election" = moving between election years, i.e. from 1994 geography to 1996 geography
Other Conversion File Types:
Name | Conversion Capability |
RR-G92-BL-C90_AD##.CNV | RRG92 => 1990 Census Blocks |
RR-G92-BL-C90_CY##.CNV | RRG92 => 1990 Census Blocks |
Naming Convention: "origin unit"-"election and year" -"destination unit"_"coverage".CNV
"##" = wildcard symbol
1990 Census Blocks = Census Blocks (designated by US Census Department)
RR = Registration Precincts (designated by Pac Tech Data Research)