1998 General Statement of Vote Codebook
CDDIST N002000 Congressional District
SDDIST N002000 Senate District
ADDIST N002000 Assembly District
BEDIST N002000 Equalization District
SUDIST N002000 Supervisorial District
TOTREG N006000 Total Registered
DEMREG N006000 Democratic Registration
REPREG N006000 Republican Registration
LIBREG N006000 Libertarian Registration
PAFREG N006000 Peace and Freedom Registration
AIPREG N006000 American Independents Registration
GRNREG N006000 Green Party Registration
REFREG N006000 Reform Party Registration
NLPREG N006000 Natural Law Party Registration
DCLREG N006000 Declined To State Registration
MSCREG N006000 Miscellaneous Registration
TOTVOTE N006000 Total Votes
PR1AY N006000 School Bond Act
PR1AN N006000 School Bond Act
PR1Y N006000 Property Taxes
PR1N N006000 Property Taxes
PR2Y N006000 Transportation
PR2N N006000 Transportation
PR3Y N006000 Pres. Primary
PR3N N006000 Pres. Primary
PR4Y N006000 Animal Trap Ban
PR4N N006000 Animal Trap Ban
PR5Y N006000 Tribal Gaming
PR5N N006000 Tribal Gaming
PR6Y N006000 Sale Horsemeat
PR6N N006000 Sale Horsemeat
PR7Y N006000 Air Quality
PR7N N006000 Air Quality
PR8Y N006000 Class Reduction
PR8N N006000 Class Reduction
PR9Y N006000 Elect Utility
PR9N N006000 Elect Utility
PR10Y N006000 Tobacco Tax
PR10N N006000 Tobacco Tax
PR11Y N006000 Sales & Use Tax
PR11N N006000 Sales & Use Tax
GOVDEM N006000 Gray Davis
GOVREP N006000 Dan Lungren
GOVAIP N006000 Nathan E. Johnson
GOVGRN N006000 Dan Hamburg
GOVLIB N006000 Steve W. Kubby
GOVNLP N006000 Harold H. Bloomfield
GOVPAF N006000 Gloria Estela La Riva
LTGDEM N006000 Cruz M. Bustamante
LTGREP N006000 Tim Leslie
LTGAIP N006000 George M. Mc Coy
LTGGRN N006000 Sara Amir
LTGLIB N006000 Thomas M. Tryon
LTGPAF N006000 Jaime L. Gomez
LTGREF N006000 James J. Mangia
ATGDEM N006000 Bill Lockyer
ATGREP N006000 Dave Stirling
ATGAIP N006000 Diane Beall Templin
ATGLIB N006000 Joseph S. Farina
ATGPAF N006000 Robert J. Evans
CONDEM N006000 Kathleen Connell
CONREP N006000 Ruben Barrales
CONAIP N006000 Alfred Burgess
CONLIB N006000 Pamela Pescosolido
CONNLP N006000 Iris Adam
CONPAF N006000 C.T. Weber
CONREF N006000 Denise Jackson
INSDEM N006000 Diane Martinez
INSREP N006000 Chuck Quackenbush
INSAIP N006000 Merton Short
INSLIB N006000 Dale Ogden
INSNLP N006000 Barbara Bourdette
INSPAF N006000 Gary Ramos
SOSDEM N006000 Michela Alioto
SOSREP N006000 Bill Jones
SOSAIP N006000 Carolyn Short
SOSLIB N006000 Gail Lightfoot
SOSNLP N006000 Jane Bialosky
SOSPAF N006000 Israel Feuer
SOSREF N006000 Valli Sharpe-Geisler
SUPTED01 N006000 Delaine Eastin
SUPTED02 N006000 Gloria Tuchman
TRSDEM N006000 Phil Angelides
TRSREP N006000 Curt Pringle
TRSAIP N006000 Edmon Kaiser
TRSLIB N006000 Jon Petersen
TRSNLP N006000 Carlos Aguirre
TRSPAF N006000 Jan Tucker
USSDEM N006000 Barbara Boxer
USSREP N006000 Matt Fong
USSAIP N006000 H. Perrin
USSLIB N006000 Ted Brown
USSNLP N006000 Brian Rees
USSPAF N006000 Ophie Beltran
USSREF N006000 Timothy Erich
SCT1Y N006000 Ronald M. George
SCT1N N006000 Ronald M. George
SCT2Y N006000 Janice R. Brown
SCT2N N006000 Janice R. Brown
SCT3Y N006000 Ming William Chin
SCT3N N006000 Ming William Chin
SCT4Y N006000 Stanley Mosk
SCT4N N006000 Stanley Mosk
CNGDEM N006000 Congress, Democrat
CNGREP N006000 Congress, Republican
CNGAIP N006000 Congress, American Independent
CNGGRN N006000 Congress, Green
CNGLIB N006000 Congress, Libertarian
CNGNLP N006000 Congress, Natural Law
CNGPAF N006000 Congress, Peace and Freedom
CNGREF N006000 Congress, Reform
ASSDEM N006000 Assembly, Democrat
ASSREP N006000 Assembly, Republican
ASSAIP N006000 Assembly, American Independent
ASSGRN N006000 Assembly, Green
ASSLIB N006000 Assembly, Libertarian
ASSNLP N006000 Assembly, Natural Law
ASSPAF N006000 Assembly, Peace and Freedom
ASSREF N006000 Assembly, Reform
SENDEM N006000 Senate, Democrat
SENREP N006000 Senate, Republican
SENAIP N006000 Senate, American Independent
SENGRN N006000 Senate, Green
SENLIB N006000 Senate, Libertarian
SENNLP N006000 Senate, Natural Law
SENPAF N006000 Senate, Peace and Freedom
SENREF N006000 Senate, Reform
BOEDEM N006000 Board of Equalization, Democrat
BOEREP N006000 Board of Equalization, Republican
BOEAIP N006000 Board of Equalization, American Independent
BOEGRN N006000 Board of Equalization, Green
BOELIB N006000 Board of Equalization, Libertarian
BOENLP N006000 Board of Equalization, Natural Law
BOEPAF N006000 Board of Equalization, Peace and Freedom
BOEREF N006000 Board of Equalization, Reform
SHERIF01 N006000 Sheriff, Candidate 1
SHERIF02 N006000 Sheriff, Candidate 2
ASSESS01 N006000 Assessor, Candidate 1
ASSESS02 N006000 Assessor, Candidate 2
SUP01 N006000 Supervisor, Candidate 1
SUP02 N006000 Supervisor, Candidate 2