
1998 General Statement of Registration Codebook

1998 General Election Statement of Vote Code Book 
Name		Format		Description
CD_DIST     	N002000	congressional district
SD_DIST     	N002000	state senate district
AD_DIST     	N002000	assembly district
BE_DIST     	N002000	board of equalization district
SU_DIST     	N002000	supervisor district
TOTREG             	N006000	total registration
DEMREG            N006000	total democrat registration
REPREG             	N006000	total republican registration
LIBREG             	N006000	total libertarian registration
PAFREG             	N006000	total peace and freedom registration
AIPREG             	N006000	total american independent registration
GRNREG                N006000	total green registration
REFREG             	N006000	total reform registration
NLPREG             	N006000	total natural law party registration
DCLREG                N006000	total decline to state registration
MSCREG             N006000	total miscellaneous registration
TOTVOTE     	         N006000	            total vote
PR1AY              	N006000	yes proposition 1a
PR1AN              	N006000	no proposition 1a
PR1Y               	N006000	yes proposition 1
PR1N               	N006000 	no proposition 1
PR2Y               	N006000 	yes proposition 2
PR2N               	N006000 	no proposition 2
PR3Y               	N006000 	yes proposition 3
PR3N               	N006000 	no proposition 3
PR4Y               	N006000 	yes proposition 4
PR4N              	N006000 	no proposition 4
PR5Y              	N006000 	yes proposition 5
PR5N               	N006000 	no proposition 5
PR6Y               	N006000 	yes proposition 6
PR6N               	N006000 	no proposition 6
PR7Y               	N006000 	yes proposition 7
PR7N              	N006000 	no proposition 7
PR8Y               	N006000 	yes proposition 8
PR8N               	N006000 	no proposition 8
PR9Y               	N006000 	yes proposition 9
PR9N               	N006000 	no proposition 9
PR10Y              	N006000 	yes proposition 10
PR10N              	N006000 	no proposition 10
PR11Y              	N006000 	yes proposition 11
PR11N              	N006000	no proposition 11
GOVDEM            N006000	total vote for democratic candidate for
GOVREP             N006000	total vote for republican candidate for
GOVAIP             	N006000	total vote for american independent candidate 
for governor
GOVGRN            N006000	total vote for green candidate for
GOVLIB             	N006000	total vote for libretarian candidate for
GOVNLP             N006000	total vote for natural law party candidate for
GOVPAF             N006000	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
LTGDEM     	N006000	total vote for democrat candidate for
lieutenant governor
LTGREP             	N006000	total vote for republican candidate for
lieutenant governor
LTGAIP             	N006000	total vote for american independent candidate 
for lieutenant governor
LTGGRN             N006000	total vote for green candidate for
lieutenant governor
LTGLIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
lieutenant governor
LTGPAF             	N006000	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
lieutenant governor
LTGREF             	N006000	total vote for reform candidate for
lieutenant governor
ATGDEM            N006000	total vote for democrat candidate for
attorney general
ATGREP             	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for
attorney general
ATGAIP             	N006000	total vote for american independent candidate 
for attorney general
ATGLIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
attorney general
ATGPAF             	N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
attorney general
CONDEM           	N006000 	total vote for democrat candidate for
CONREP             	N006000	total vote for republican candidate for
CONAIP              N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for controller
CONLIB             	N006000	total vote for libertarian candidate for
CONNLP            	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for
CONPAF            	N006000	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
CONREF            	N006000	total vote for reform candidate for
INSDEM             	N006000	total vote for democrat candidate for
insurance commissioner
INSREP              	N006000	total vote for republican candidate for
insurance commissioner
INSAIP               	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for insurance commissioner
INSLIB               	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
insurance commissioner
INSNLP              	N006000 	total vote for natural law party candidate for
insurance commissioner
INSPAF              	N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
insurance commissioner
SOSDEM            	N006000	total vote for democrat candidate for
secretary of state
SOSREP             	N006000	total vote for republican candidate for
secretary of state
SOSAIP             	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for secretary of state
SOSLIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
secretary of state
SOSNLP             	N006000 	total vote for natural law party candidate for
secretary of state
SOSPAF             	N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
secretary of state
SOSREF              N006000 	total vote for reform candidate for
secretary of state
SUPTED01 	N006000 	total vote for candidate 01 for
superintendent of public instruction
SUPTED02          N006000 	total vote for candidate 02 for
superintendent of public instruction
TRSDEM             N006000 	total vote for democrat candidate for
TRSREP             	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for 
TRSAIP             	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for treasurer
TRSLIB             	N006000	total vote for libertarian candidate for
TRSNLP             	N006000	total vote for natural law party candidate for
TRSPAF             	N006000	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
USSDEM             N006000	total vote for democrat candidate for
united State senate
USSREP             	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for
united State senate
USSAIP             	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for united State senate
USSLIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
united State senate
USSNLP             	N006000 	total vote for natural law party candidate for
united State senate
USSPAF             	N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
united State senate
USSREF             	N006000 	total vote for reform candidate for
united State senate
SCT1Y              	N006000	total yes vote supreme court justice number 1 
SCT1N              	N006000 	total no vote supreme court justice number 1
SCT2Y              	N006000 	total yes vote supreme court justice number 2
SCT2N              	N006000 	total no vote supreme court justice number 2
SCT3Y              	N006000 	total yes vote supreme court justice number 3
SCT3N              	N006000	total no vote supreme court justice number 3
SCT4Y              	N006000 	total yes vote supreme court justice number 4
SCT4N              	N006000 	total no vote supreme court justice number 4
CNGDEM           N006000	total vote for democrat candidate for
united states congress
CNGREP            	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for
united states congress
CNGAIP             	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for united states congress
CNGGRN            N006000 	total vote for green candidate for
united states congress
CNGLIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
united states congress
CNGNLP             N006000 	total vote for natural law party candidate for
united states congress
CNGPAF             N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
united states congress
CNGREF             N006000 	total vote for reform candidate for
united states congress
ASSDEM             N006000 	total vote for democrat candidate for
state assembly
ASSREP             	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for
state assembly
ASSAIP             	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for state assembly
ASSGRN             N006000 	total vote for green candidate for
state assembly
ASSLIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
state assembly
ASSNLP             	N006000 	total vote for natural law party candidate for
state assembly
ASSPAF             	N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
state assembly
ASSREF             	N006000 	total vote for reform candidate for
state assembly
SENDEM             N006000 	total vote for democrat candidate for
state senate
SENREP             	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for
state senate
SENAIP             	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate
for state senate
SENGRN             N006000 	total vote for green candidate for
state senate
SENLIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
state senate
SENNLP             	N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
state senate
SENPAF             	N006000 	total vote for peace and freedom candidate for
state senate
SENREF             	N006000 	total vote for reform candidate for
state senate
BOEDEM            N006000 	total vote for democrat candidate for
board of equalization
BOEREP             	N006000 	total vote for republican candidate for
board of equalization
BOEAIP             	N006000 	total vote for american independent candidate 
for board of equalization
BOEGRN             N006000 	total vote for green candidate for
board of equalization
BOELIB             	N006000 	total vote for libertarian candidate for
board of equalization
BOENLP             	N006000 	total vote for natural law party candidate for
board of equalization
BOEPAF             	N006000 	total vote for natural law party candidate for
board of equalization
BOEREF             	N006000 	total vote for reform candidate for
board of equalization
SHERIF01    	N006000	total vote yes for county sheriff candidate 1
SHERIF02    	N006000	total vote yes for county sheriff candidate 2
ASSESS01    	N006000	total vote yes for county assessor candidate 1
ASSESS02    	N006000 	total vote yes for county assessor candidate 2
SUP01              	N006000	total vote yes for county supervisor 
candidate 1
SUP02              	N006000 	total vote yes for county supervisor 
candidate 2

1998 General Election Statement of Registration Code book
regl_tot  	N006000	  Reg length Total
age_tot   	N006000  	Age Total
regl_num  	N004000  	Number with Reg Date
age_num   	N004000  	Number with Birth Date
hispdem   	N004000  	Latino Dems
hisprep   	N004000  	Latino Reps
hispdcl   	N004000    	Latino No Party
hispoth   	N004000 	Latino Other Party
jewdem    	N004000  	Jewish Dems
jewrep    	N004000 	Jewish Reps
jewdcl    	N004000  	Jewish No Party
jewoth    	N004000  	Jewish Other Party
mr               	N004000  	Title Mr
mrs              	N004000  	Title Mrs
miss             	N004000  	Title Miss
ms               	N004000  	Title Ms
male             	N004000  	Male
female    	N004000  	Female
dem              	N004000  	Party Democrat
rep              	N004000  	Party Republican
aip              	N004000  	Party American Independent
paf              	N004000  	Party Peace and Freedom
misc             	N004000  	Party Other
lib             	N004000  	Party Libertarian
nlp              	N004000  	Party Natural Law
green     		N004000  	Party Green
ref              	N004000  	Party Reform
dcl              	N004000  	Party None
mageunk   	N004000  	Males Age Unknown
mage1825  	N004000  	Males 18 to 25
mage2635  	N004000  	Males 26 to 35
mage3645  	N004000  	Males 36 to 45
mage4655  	N004000  	Males 46 to 55
mage5664  	N004000  	Males 56 to 64
mage65pl 	N004000  	Males 65 plus
fageunk   	N004000  	Females Age Unknown
fage1825 	N004000  	Females 18 to 25
fage2635  	N004000  	Females 26 to 35
fage3645  	N004000  	Females 36 to 45
fage4655  	N004000  	Females 46 to 55
fage5664  	N004000 	Females 56 to 64
fage65pl 	N004000  	Females 65 plus
dreg1g    	N004000  	Dems Registered 1 Gen Election  (95-96)
dreg2g    	N004000  	Dems Registered 2 Gen Elections (93-94)
dreg3g    	N004000  	Dems Registered 3 Gen Elections (91-92)
dreg4g   	 	N004000  	Dems Registered 4 Gen Elections (89-90)
dreg5g    	N004000  	Dems Registered 5 Gen Elections ( 0-88)
rreg1g    	N004000  	Reps Registered 1 Gen Election  (95-96)
rreg2g    	N004000  	Reps Registered 2 Gen Elections (93-94)
rreg3g    	N004000  	Reps Registered 3 Gen Elections (91-92)
rreg4g    	N004000  	Reps Registered 4 Gen Elections (89-90)
rreg5g    	N004000  	Reps Registered 5 Gen Elections ( 0-88)
kordem    	N004000  	Korean Dems
korrep    	N004000  	Korean Reps
kordcl    		N004000  	Korean No Party
koroth    	N004000  	Korean Other Party
japdem    	N004000 	Japanese Dems
japrep    		N004000  	Japanese Reps
japdcl    		N004000  	Japanese No Party
japoth    		N004000  	Japanese Other Party
asndem    	N004000  	Other Asian Dems
asnrep   	 	N004000  	Other Asian Reps
asndcl   	 	N004000  	Other Asian No Party
asnoth    	N004000  	Other Asian Other Party
demm1835  	N004000  	Dem Males 18 to 35
demm3655  	N004000  	Dem Males 36 to 55
demm56pl  	N004000 	Dem Males 56 plus
demmunk  	N004000  	Dem Males Age Unknown
demf1835  	N004000  	Dem Females 18 to 35
demf3655  	N004000  	Dem Females 36 to 55
demf56pl  	N004000  	Dem Females 56 plus
demfunk   	N004000  	Dem Females Age Unknown
repm1835  	N004000  	Rep Males 18 to 35
repm3655  	N004000  	Rep Males 36 to 55
repm56pl  	N004000  	Rep Males 56 plus
repmunk   	N004000  	Rep Males Age Unknown
repf1835  	N004000  	Rep Females 18 to 35
repf3655  	N004000  	Rep Females 36 to 55
repf56pl  	N004000  	Rep Females 56 plus
repfunk   	N004000  	Rep Females Age Unknown
dclm1835  	N004000  	No Party Males 18 to 35
dclm3655  	N004000  	No Party Males 36 to 55
dclm56pl  	N004000 	No Party Males 56 plus
dclmunk   	N004000 	No Party Males Age Unknown
dclf1835  	N004000  	No Party Females 18 to 35
dclf3655  	N004000  	No Party Females 36 to 55
dclf56pl  	N004000  	No Party Females 56 plus
dclfunk   	N004000  	No Party Females Age Unknown