
1996 Statement of Vote Codebook

V_TOTREG  	N006000   	Total Registration
V_DEMREG  	N006000   	Democratic Registration
V_REPREG  	N006000   	Republican Registration
V_LIBREG  	N006000   	Libertarian Registration
V_PAFREG  	N006000   	Peace and Freedom Registration
V_AIPREG  	N006000   	American Independent Registration
V_GRNREG  	N006000   	Green Registration
V_REFREG  	N006000   	Reform Registration
V_NLPREG  	N006000   	Natural Law Registration
V_DCLREG  	N006000   	No Party Registration
V_MSCREG  	N006000   	Misc Party Registration
V_TOTVOT  	N006000   	Total Votes Cast
V_DEMVOT  	N006000   	Democratic Votes Cast
V_REPVOT  	N006000   	Republican Votes Cast
V_LIBVOT  	N006000   	Libertarian Votes Cast
V_PAFVOT  	N006000   	Peace and Freedom Votes Cast
V_AIPVOT  	N006000   	American Independent Votes Cast
V_GRNVOT  	N006000   	Green Votes Cast	
V_REFVOT  	N006000   	Reform Votes Cast	
V_NLPVOT  	N006000   	Natural Law Votes Cast	
V_DCLVOT  	N006000   	No Party Votes Cast	
V_MSCVOT  	N006000   	Misc Party Votes Cast
V_PRSDEM  	N006000   	President - Democratic
V_PRSREP  	N006000   	President - Republican
V_PRSLIB 		N006000   	President - Libertarian
V_PRSPAF 		N006000   	President - Peace and Freedom
V_PRSAIP  	N006000   	President - American Independent
V_PRSGRN  	N006000   	President - Green	
V_PRSREF  	N006000   	President - Reform	
V_PRSNLP  	N006000   	President - Natural Law	
V_CDDIST  	N006000   	Congressional District	
V_CNGDEM  	N006000   	Representative-Democratic
V_CNGREP  	N006000   	Representative-Republican
V_CNGLIB  	N006000   	Representative-Libertarian
V_CNGPAF  	N006000   	Representative-Peace and Freedom	
V_CNGAIP  	N006000   	Representative-American Independent
V_CNGGRN  	N006000  		Representative-Green
V_CNGREF  	N006000   	Representative-Reform
V_CNGNLP  	N006000   	Representative-Natural Law
V_SDDIST  	N006000   	State Senate District	
V_SENDEM  	N006000   	Senator - Democratic	
V_SENREP  	N006000   	Senator -  Republican
V_SENLIB  	N006000   	Senator -  Libertarian
V_SENPAF  	N006000   	Senator -  Peace and Freedom
V_SENAIP  	N006000   	Senator -  American Independent
V_SENGRN  	N006000   	Senator -  Green
V_SENREF  	N006000   	Senator -  Reform
V_SENNLP  	N006000   	Senator -  Natural Law
V_ADDIST  	N006000   	Assembly District
V_ASSDEM  	N006000   	Assembly - Democratic
V_ASSREP  	N006000   	Assembly - Republican
V_ASSLIB  	N006000   	Assembly - Libertarian
V_ASSPAF  	N006000   	Assembly - Peace and Freedom
V_ASSAIP  	N006000   	Assembly - American Independent
V_ASSGRN  	N006000   	Assembly - Green	
V_ASSREF  	N006000   	Assembly - Reform	
V_ASSNLP  	N006000   	Assembly - Natural Law
V_PR204Y  	N006000   	Prop 204 Yes Votes
V_PR204N  	N006000   	Prop 204 No Votes
V_PR205Y  	N006000   	Prop 205 Yes Votes
V_PR205N  	N006000   	Prop 205 No Votes
V_PR206Y  	N006000   	Prop 206 Yes Votes
V_PR206N  	N006000   	Prop 206 No Votes
V_PR207Y  	N006000   	Prop 207 Yes Votes
V_PR207N  	N006000   	Prop 207 No Votes
V_PR208Y  	N006000   	Prop 208 Yes Votes
V_PR208N  	N006000   	Prop 208 No Votes
V_PR209Y  	N006000   	Prop 209 Yes Votes
V_PR209N  	N006000   	Prop 209 No Votes
V_PR210Y  	N006000   	Prop 210 Yes Votes
V_PR210N  	N006000   	Prop 210 No Votes
V_PR211Y 		N006000   	Prop 211 Yes Votes
V_PR211N  	N006000   	Prop 211 No Votes
V_PR212Y 		N006000  		Prop 212 Yes Votes
V_PR212N  	N006000   	Prop 212 No Votes
V_PR213Y  	N006000   	Prop 213 Yes Votes
V_PR213N  	N006000   	Prop 213 No Votes
V_PR214Y  	N006000   	Prop 214 Yes Votes
V_PR214N  	N006000   	Prop 214 No Votes
V_PR215Y  	N006000   	Prop 215 Yes Votes
V_PR215N  	N006000   	Prop 215 No Votes
V_PR216Y  	N006000   	Prop 216 Yes Votes
V_PR216N  	N006000   	Prop 216 No Votes
V_PR217Y  	N006000   	Prop 217 Yes Votes
V_PR217N  	N006000   	Prop 217 No Votes
V_PR218Y  	N006000   	Prop 218 Yes Votes
V_PR218N  	N006000   	Prop 218 No Votes