
1994 Statement of Vote Codebook

GOVTOT    	N006000	Governor, Total
GOVDEM    	N006000	Governor, Democrat
GOVREP    	N006000	Governor, Republican
GOVLIB    	N006000	Governor, Libertarian
GOVPAF    	N006000	Governor, Peace and Freedom
GOVAIP    	N006000	Governor, American Independent 
GOVGRN    	N006000	Governor, Green
LTGTOT    	N006000	Lt. Governor, Total
LTGDEM    	N006000	Lt. Governor, Democrat
LTGREP    	N006000	Lt. Governor, Republican
LTGLIB    	N006000	Lt. Governor, Libertarian
LTGPAF    	N006000	Lt. Governor, Peace and Freedom
LTGAIP    	N006000	Lt. Governor, American Independent 
LTGGRN    	N006000	Lt. Governor, Green
SOSTOT    	N006000	Secretary of State, Total
SOSDEM    	N006000	Secretary of State, Democrat
SOSREP    	N006000	Secretary of State, Republican
SOSLIB    	N006000	Secretary of State, Libertarian
SOSPAF    	N006000	Secretary of State, Peace and Freedom
SOSAIP    	N006000	Secretary of State, American Independent
SOSGRN    	N006000	Secretary of State, Green
CONTOT    	N006000	Controller, Total
CONDEM    	N006000	Controller, Democrat
CONREP    	N006000	Controller, Republican
CONLIB    	N006000	Controller, Libertarian
CONPAF    	N006000	Controller, Peace and Freedom
CONAIP    	N006000	Controller, American Independent
CONGRN   	N006000	Controller, Green
TRETOT    	N006000	Treasurer, Total
TREDEM    	N006000	Treasurer, Democrat
TREREP    	N006000	Treasurer, Republican
TRELIB    	N006000	Treasurer, Libertarian
TREPAF    	N006000	Treasurer, Peace and Freedom
TREAIP    	N006000	Treasurer, American Independent
TREGRN    	N006000	Treasurer, Green
ATGTOT    	N006000	Attorney General, Total
ATGDEM    	N006000	Attorney General, Democrat
ATGREP   	N006000	Attorney General, Republican
ATGLIB    	N006000	Attorney General, Libertarian
ATGPAF    	N006000	Attorney General, Peace and Freedom
ATGAIP    	N006000	Attorney General, American Independent
ATGGRN    	N006000	Attorney General, Green
INSTOT    	N006000	Insurance Commissioner, Total
INSDEM    	N006000	Insurance Commissioner, Democrat
INSREP    	N006000	Insurance Commissioner, Republican
INSLIB    	N006000	Insurance Commissioner, Libertarian
INSPAF    	N006000	Insurance Commissioner, Peace and Freedom
INSAIP    	N006000	Insurance Commissioner, American Independent
INSGRN    	N006000	Insurance Commissioner, Green
USSTOT    	N006000	U.S. Senate, Total
USSDEM    	N006000	U.S. Senate, Democrat
USSREP    	N006000	U.S. Senate, Republican
USSLIB    	N006000	U.S. Senate, Libertarian
USSPAF    	N006000	U.S. Senate, Peace and Freedom
USSAIP    	N006000	U.S. Senate, American Independent
USSGRN    	N006000	U.S. Senate, Green
SSUP01    	N006000	Superintendent of Schools, Candidate 1
SSUP02    	N006000	Superintendent of Schools, Candidate 2
BEDIST    	N006000	Board of Equalization District  
BOETOT    	N006000	Board of Equalization, Total
BOEDEM   	N006000	Board of Equalization, Democrat
BOEREP    	N006000	Board of Equalization, Republican
BOELIB    	N006000	Board of Equalization,Libertarian
BOEPAF    	N006000	Board of Equalization,Peace and Freedom
BOEAIP    	N006000	Board of Equalization,American Independent 
BOEGRN    	N006000	Board of Equalization,Green
CDDIST    	N006000	Congressional District
CNGTOT    	N006000	Congress, Total
CNGDEM    	N006000	Congress, Democrat
CNGREP    	N006000	Congress, Republican
CNGLIB    	N006000	Congress, Libertarian
CNGPAF    	N006000	Congress, Peace and Freedom
CNGAIP    	N006000	Congress, American Independent
CNGGRN    	N006000	Congress, Green
SDDIST    	N006000	Senate District
SENTOT    	N006000	Senate, Total
SENDEM    	N006000	Senate, Democrat
SENREP    	N006000	Senate, Republican
SENLIB    	N006000	Senate, Libertarian
SENPAF    	N006000	Senate, Peace and 	Freedom
SENAIP    	N006000	Senate, American Independent
SENGRN    	N006000	Senate, Green
ADDIST    	N006000	Assembly District
ASSTOT    	N006000	Assembly, Total
ASSDEM    	N006000	Assembly, Democrat
ASSREP    	N006000	Assembly, Republican
ASSLIB    	N006000	Assembly, Libertarian
ASSPAF    	N006000	Assembly, Peace and Freedom
ASSAIP    	N006000	Assembly, American Independent
ASSGRN    	N006000	Assembly, Green
SCT1T     	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 1, Total
SCT1YE    	N006000	Supreme Court,Candidate 1, Yes
SCT1NO    	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 1, No
SCT2T     	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 2, Total
SCT2YE    	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 2, Yes
SCT2NO    	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 2, No
SCT3T     	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 3, Total
SCT3YE    	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 3, Yes
SCT3NO    	N006000	Supreme Court, Candidate 3, No
PR181T    	N006000	Proposition 181, Total
PR181Y    	N006000	Proposition 181, Yes
PR181N    	N006000	Proposition 181, No
PR183T    	N006000	Proposition 183, Total
PR183Y    	N006000	Proposition 183, Yes
PR183N    	N006000	Proposition 183, No
PR184T    	N006000	Proposition 184, Total
PR184Y    	N006000	Proposition 184, Yes
PR184N    	N006000	Proposition 184, No
PR185T    	N006000	Proposition 185, Total
PR185Y    	N006000	Proposition 185, Yes
PR185N    	N006000	Proposition 185, No
PR186T    	N006000	Proposition 186, Total
PR186Y    	N006000	Proposition 186, Yes
PR186N    	N006000	Proposition 186, No
PR187T    	N006000	Proposition 187, Total
PR187Y    	N006000	Proposition 187, Yes
PR187N    	N006000	Proposition 187, No
PR188T    	N006000	Proposition 188, Total
PR188Y    	N006000	Proposition 188, Yes
PR188N    	N006000	Proposition 188, No
PR189T    	N006000	Proposition 189, Total
PR189Y    	N006000	Proposition 189, Yes
PR189N    	N006000	Proposition 189, No
PR190T    	N006000	Proposition 190, Total
PR190Y    	N006000	Proposition 190, Yes
PR190N    	N006000	Proposition 190, No
PR191T    	N006000	Proposition 191, Total
PR191Y    	N006000	Proposition 191, Yes
PR191N    	N006000	Proposition 191, No