1992 Statement of Vote Codebook
ABSENTEE N008000 Absentee Votes
TOTREG N008000 Total Registration
DEMREG N008000 Democratic Registration
REPREG N008000 Republican Registration
LIBREG N008000 Libertarian Registration
PAFREG N008000 Peace and Freedom Registration
AIPREG N008000 American Independent Registration
DCLREG N008000 Decline Registration
MSCREG N008000 Miscellaneous Registration
TOTVOT N008000 Total Vote
DEMVOT N008000 Democratic Vote
REPVOT N008000 Republican Vote
LIBVOT N008000 Libertarian Vote
PAFVOT N008000 Peace and Freedom Vote
AIPVOT N008000 American Independent Vote
DCLVOT N008000 Decline Vote
MSCVOT N008000 Miscellaneous Vote
PRSDEM N008000 President, Democratic
PRSREP N008000 President, Republican
PRSLIB N008000 President, Libertarian
PRSPAF N008000 President, Peace and Freedom
PRSAIP N008000 President, American Independent
PRSPER N008000 President, Perot
CDDIST N008000 Congressional District
CNGDEM N008000 Congress, Democratic
CNGREP N008000 Congress, Republican
CNGLIB N008000 Congress, Libertarian
CNGPAF N008000 Congress, Peace and Freedom
CNGAIP N008000 Congress, American Independent
SDDIST N008000 Senate District
SENDEM N008000 Senate, Democratic
SENREP N008000 Senate, Republican
SENLIB N008000 Senate, Libertarian
SENPAF N008000 Senate, Peace and Freedom
SENAIP N008000 Senate, American Independent
ADDIST N008000 Assembly District
ASSDEM N008000 Assembly, Democratic
ASSREP N008000 Assembly, Republican
ASSLIB N008000 Assembly, Libertarian
ASSPAF N008000 Assembly, Peace and Freedom
ASSAIP N008000 Assembly, American Independent
USLDEM N008000 US Senate (Long), Democratic
USLREP N008000 US Senate (Long), Republican
USLLIB N008000 US Senate (Long), Libertarian
USLPAF N008000 US Senate (Long), Peace and Freedom
USLAIP N008000 US Senate (Long), American Independent
USSDEM N008000 US Senate (Short), Democratic
USSREP N008000 US Senate (Short), Republican
USSLIB N008000 US Senate (Short), Libertarian
USSPAF N008000 US Senate (Short), Peace and Freedom
USSAIP N008000 US Senate (Short), American Independent
SUDIST N008000 Supervisor District
SUPR01 N008000 Supervisor Candidate 1
SUPR02 N008000 Supervisor Candidate 2
PR155Y N008000 Proposition 155, yes
PR155N N008000 Proposition 155, no
PR156Y N008000 Proposition 156, yes
PR156N N008000 Proposition 156, no
PR157Y N008000 Proposition 157, yes
PR157N N008000 Proposition 157, no
PR158Y N008000 Proposition 158, yes
PR158N N008000 Proposition 158, no
PR159Y N008000 Proposition 159, yes
PR159N N008000 Proposition 159, no
PR160Y N008000 Proposition 160, yes
PR160N N008000 Proposition 160, no
PR161Y N008000 Proposition 161, yes
PR161N N008000 Proposition 161, no
PR162Y N008000 Proposition 162, yes
PR162N N008000 Proposition 162, no
PR163Y N008000 Proposition 163, yes
PR163N N008000 Proposition 163, no
PR164Y N008000 Proposition 164, yes
PR164N N008000 Proposition 164, no
PR165Y N008000 Proposition 165, yes
PR165N N008000 Proposition 165, no
PR166Y N008000 Proposition 166, yes
PR166N N008000 Proposition 166, no
PR167Y N008000 Proposition 167, yes
PR167N N008000 Proposition 167, no